Sunday 27 October 2013

FlowArrange levels 9 X 9 iPhone iPad Puzzle game

Words including 'second hand', 'stolen', 'broken' and 'hacked' are banned in ads for the iPhone5. Photo: AFP
Chief executive Tim Cook, video site YouTube and any references to glitches or hacking - these are just some of the words Apple bans its iPhone distributors from using in advertisements for the new iPhone 5.
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Apple's tough rules on how distributors can promote the popular smartphones, obtained by Fairfax Media, run to a dozen pages and specify the format of advertisements in minute detail.
Distributors are even instructed to avoid exclamation marks and use of the word ''new''.
The guidelines cover promotional requirements in all media platforms, from digital to print, and dictate that all advertising must be approved in advance.
Industry sources said distributors that
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failed to comply with the diktats ran the risk of being cut off from supply of Apple products.
''It is fair to say Apple runs a very tight ship, and while it is unusual for a supplier to have so much control over the way we do business, you have to admire the results they get,'' a telco executive, who declined to be named, told Fairfax Media.
''They are consistent and their brand is one of the strongest in the world.''
The guidelines state that advertisements on bus panels, taxis and aircraft are forbidden and posters bearing images of Apple are not allowed at bars, hotels, gyms or doctors' offices. iPhone ads are allowed only on well-lit billboards, shopping malls and bus shelters.
Apple demands the right to review every place where ads are to be displayed and reserves the right to ask a distributor to move its advertisement if it conflicts with Apple's own.
It bans the words ''a'', ''the'', ''new'' or ''newest'' from use before the word ''iPhone'', frowns on the exclamation mark and slaps a blanket ban on a list of ''negative'' words.
FlowArrange levels 9 X 9 iPhone iPad Puzzle game The forbidden list includes ''second hand'', ''YouTube'', and ''Tim Cook [Apple's CEO]'', ''jailbreak'', ''stolen'', ''broken'', ''crushed'' and ''hacked''.
A marketing executive from a distributor of Apple products, who declined to be named for the fear of offending a key supplier, said Apple representatives would scream strings of expletives if advertisements deviated even slightly from the media guidelines.
''Apple is very difficult to deal with and very particular. Media releases take days to clear and sometimes they have to be cleared by Tim Cook himself,'' said the executive. ''They know they can get away with it because of who they are.''
The executive said Apple had been easier to deal with this year as excitement around the brand had receded.
For advertisements that appear in print, Apple prefers only full-page ads in big metropolitan newspapers and magazines.
Apple demands TV commercials run nationally during mainstream programs, more than half of which must be in prime time.
The company also has rules on advertising in all digital media, including online video, online display, tablet, mobile and social media.
FlowArrange levels 9 X 9 iPhone iPad Puzzle game Apple makes it clear it does not want its distributors to advertise on YouTube, a site owned by its arch-rival Google, by banning YouTube in-stream ads. Google's Android is the largest competitor to Apple's iOS operating system.
The Android operating system accounts for 64.8 per cent of all smartphones sold in the world. Apple's iOS operating system accounts for 18.8 per cent, according to Gartner, a research consultancy.Flow Arrange free puzzle game
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Telstra, Optus and Vodafone all refused to comment on their relationships with Apple.
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Sunday 20 October 2013

FlowArrange levels 14 X 14 iPhone iPad Puzzle game

Apps are already being converted for iOS 7
I’m not going to suggest this is a cynical move to force some of us to buy a more capacious iPhone next time, but not being able to delete albums without hooking the phone up to iTunes on a computer is a usability failure. You can delete tracks, but who has the time to remove albums one song at a time? Music’s developers, presumably.
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The Music woe continues. Because that app's not important, right?

Music has other irritations. Changes made in iTunes to song metadata and album art editing - I always remove “(Remastered)” from titles; I know it’s the remastered version I’ve downloaded - are ignored by Music, though whether it’s automatically grabbing track metadata from the cloud and using that rather than information in the files themselves, or this is (yet another) desktop iTunes quirk, isn’t yet clear. I suspect the former because Music also introduces new band and singer photos in its artists lists rather than relying on album art. It does the same in the genre listing, except when it encounters a genre it doesn’t know about, like, er, "Soundtrack".

Farewell, cover-flow
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Music’s once iconic cover-flow interface, triggered by rotating the iPhone into landscape, has gone, replaced by a flat grid of album covers arranged alphabetically. This is smoother and easier to navigate, and looks better. Tap on an album cover to bring up the track list. If you now go back to portrait, this previous album selection is retained, so it’s still there next time you go back to landscape mod, no matter which songs you may have played in the meantime.
Incidentally, playing a track and then calling up the track listing with the icon in the top right of the upper navigation bar - what, no button simply labelled "Track Listing", Apple? - and the currently playing track has a wee animated graphic equaliser alongside its title.
Music, like all of iOS’s other built-in apps, still can’t be removed. Why keep Stocks when you can get the same information through Notification Centre? The rest of the supplied programs are for the most part simply re-styled, non-skeuomorphic versions of their predecessors. Weather now has full-screen animations of the kind seen on plenty of other phone makers’ Android builds. Once again it uses iOS’s standard page view controller to manage a sequence of screens, one per location, but you still can’t tap three-quarters of the way along the control’s line of dots to go straight to that page - it still only takes you to the next page in sequence.
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But at least there’s a button - one of iOS 7’s rare iconic ones - that presents the list of locations you’ve established, and tapping on a town or city takes you straight to the appropriate page. Tap and hold if you want to re-order the list.

Right, now find the photo you want in that lot
Photos gains a series of extra views organising your snaps by year, then by dated “Collections” of pictures, the equivalent of iPhoto’s “Events”. All the images from a given year at a given event are displayed one after the other across the width of the screen. But they're so tiny, tapping the right one is a bit hit and miss. Me, I’ll stick with the original album views, which have thankfully been retained.
Newsstand, Apple’s magazine collation app, can now be removed from the home screen and hidden away in a folder. I hate Newsstand. I want to access the magazines I read on my iPad quickly without having to open up an intermediary app. Unfortunately, Newsstand publications - all of which are apps and so, unlike content in iBooks, Music and Video, are not data files that without a viewer are like tits on a bull - can’t yet be dragged out of Newsstand onto the Dock, say.
Messages looks better, and I noticed that swiping left in the message list reveals the time messages were received. iOS 7’s "swipe right to go back to the previous screen" gesture means you can’t do the same thing for messages you have sent. The edit button, which lets you delete some or all of the messages in the list without removing the sender from the main list of folk you’ve been conversing with, has been excised.

Safari gets better page management in iOS 7 (left), while Voice Memos gets an editing facility
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Safari gets the biggest upgrade - as opposed to Music’s downgrade - with the unification of the URL and search fields just like Google Chrome and Safari on the desktop; bookmark bar entries now called favourites, presumably because they’re more important than the other bookmarks, still filed under "Bookmarks Menu"; and a 3D view of all the pages you have open at any one time. Think cover-flow, arranged vertically rather than horizontally, and presenting web pages rather than album covers.
FlowArrange levels 14 X 14 iPhone iPad Puzzle game Actually, it’s a clever way of presenting multiple pages on a single small phone screen and navigating between them, but it’s not really consistent with what Apple has been doing elsewhere in iOS. Swipe down through the page images and you’ll eventually be presented with a text list of windows open in browsers on other machines - if you’re an iCloud user, of course. Whether you are or not, Safari is a reasonably nippy mobile browser that does the job.
The App Store’s only two new features are a streamlined download icon and, rather better, automatic app updates in the background. You can turn this off if you’re worried about the impact on battery life. iOS 7 now lets any application - provided it has your permission - to access the internet even though it’s not in the foreground. Sharing data over Bluetooth is now a standard part of iOS’s app-level privacy settings, allowing you to choose which apps get to do this and which don’t. Worryingly, because it wasn’t there before, there’s now a Microphone access privacy setting, too. Upgrade if you definitely don't want apps listening in from the mic.

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Sunday 13 October 2013

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NBN critic: Malcolm Turnbull. Photo: Michele Mossop
The board of NBN Co has offered to resign en masse, falling on their sword amid suggestions they do not have the confidence of the incoming government.
FlowArrange levels 7 X 7 iPhone iPad Puzzle game The chairwoman Siobhan McKenna submitted her resignation to the Minister for Communications, Malcolm Turnbull, along with the rest of the board. Former Telstra boss Ziggy Switkowski is waiting in the wings to be appointed executive chairman.
Kerry Schott is expected to be one of the only directors invited to stay on by Mr Turnbull, who has been highly critical of the board and the way the company has been run under the Labor government.
The resignations have not yet been accepted by Mr Turnbull. A decision is to be made at a cabinet meeting early next month. Mr Turnbull has blamed the board and executive team for the massive cost blowouts, timetable delays and for contractors losing money.
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The board clear-out is the latest upheaval for Australia's largest infrastructure project and highlights the task facing Mr Turnbull as he moves to implement the Coalition's vastly different plan for the project.
NBN chief executive Mike Quigley saw the writing on the wall in July as polls indicated a landslide win to the Coalition and resigned suddenly after signing a new three-year contract with NBN Co.
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Under Dr Switkowski three separate reviews and a forensic audit of NBN Co will be undertaken immediately to look at the ownership structure, which could include the private sector being invited to take equity to help fund the rollout.
NBN Co will switch from a fibre-to-the-home network to the cheaper fibre-to-the-node and fibre-to-the-basement network, which will require massive changes to contracts and relationships with contractors, Telstra and other networks.
It will require a renegotiation of the Telstra/NBN deal to arrange copper access and compensation as well as redesigning the rollout.
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Mr Turnbull, a long-time critic of NBN Co, has previously accused the project of being bogged down by infighting.Flow Arrange free puzzle game
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Following the resignation of Mr Quigley, Mr Turnbull turned his attention to Ms McKenna. He described her as having "no experience" in the telecoms sector and raised questions about whether her background as a management consultant qualified her to chair a network business. In July Mr Turnbull also hinted he might sack some board members.
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Mr Turnbull's office declined to comment. Dr Switkowski could not be reached.

Sunday 6 October 2013

FlowArrange levels 6 X 6 iPhone iPad Puzzle game

Boston: Hackers took part in a contest to crack the device's first-ever fingerprint scanner, a high-tech feature that Apple Inc says makes users' data more secure.
A micro venture capital firm joined a group of security researchers to offer more than $13,000 in cash along with bottles of booze, Bitcoin currency, books and other goodies to the first hacker who breaks the device in a contest promoted on the website
Arturas Rosenbacher, founding partner of Chicago's IO Capital, which donated $10,000 to the hacking competition, said that the effort will bring together some of the hacking community's smartest minds to help Apple identify bugs that it may have missed.
The reader's sapphire crystal sensor is embedded in the phone's home button and reviews the fingerprint as a user touches it to verify his or her identity.
FlowArrange levels 6 X 6 iPhone iPad Puzzle game "This is to fix a problem before it becomes a problem," he said. "This will make things safer."
Meanwhile, reported that a 36-year-old soldier living in Spain's Canary Islands, Jose Rodriguez, has already uncovered a security vulnerability affecting iOS 7, which Apple began distributing to existing iPhone and iPad customers on Wednesday.
The publication said that it is possible to bypass the lock screen of those devices in seconds to access photos, email, Twitter and other applications. It included a video demonstration on its website and advice on how users could thwart the bypass technique.
Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller told Reuters that the company was preparing a fix that it would deliver as an update to iOS 7 when it was ready. "Apple takes user security very seriously," she said.
FlowArrange levels 6 X 6 iPhone iPad Puzzle game Among those getting ready for the hacking contest is David Kennedy, a former US Marine Corps cyber-intelligence analyst who did two tours in Iraq and now runs his own consulting firm, TrustedSec LLC.
"I am just waiting to get my hands on it to figure out how to get around it first," the founder of the DerbyCon hacking conference told the Thomson Reuters Global Markets Forum this week. "I'll be up all night trying."
Why worry?
Security experts worry about the implications of using the module to grant access to sensitive data on the phone and potentially enabling mobile purchases.
FlowArrange levels 6 X 6 iPhone iPad Puzzle game The fingerprint scanner on the top-of-the-line iPhone lets users unlock their devices or make purchases on iTunes by simply pressing their finger on the home button. It has been hailed as a major step in popularising the use of biometrics in personal electronics.
FlowArrange levels 6 X 6 iPhone iPad Puzzle game Security engineer Charlie Miller, known in hacking circles for uncovering major bugs in the iPhone as well as circumventing security in Apple's App Store, said it could take fewer than two weeks for Kennedy or some other smart hacker to get around the new lock.
Once they're in, they could gain access to the cornucopia of data typically stored on a user's iPhone and might potentially be able to buy goods from iTunes and Apple's App store.
Miller declined to comment on the hacking contest or potential security vulnerabilities in the fingerprint reader.
FlowArrange levels 6 X 6 iPhone iPad Puzzle game To be sure, experts say they know of nothing intrinsically wrong with Apple's fingerprint reader, based on what the company has so far disclosed. Reviewers this week gushed over its ease of use and reliability.
The reader's sapphire crystal sensor is embedded in the phone's home button and reviews the fingerprint as a user touches it to verify his or her identity.
FlowArrange levels 6 X 6 iPhone iPad Puzzle game Data used for verification is encrypted and stored in a secure enclave of the phone's A7 processor chip. No information is sent to any remote servers, including Apple's iCloud system.
HD Moore, a hacking expert and chief researcher with the security software maker Rapid7, said such protections mean "the bar is a little bit higher," but that certainly won't discourage hackers from trying to break the new technology.
"This is definitely something to target and something people will want to go after," he said.
Nothing personal
Apple shouldn't take hackers' enthusiasm personally.
FlowArrange levels 6 X 6 iPhone iPad Puzzle game All major electronics products are subjected to similar scrutiny as new features are rolled out, including devices from Google Inc, Microsoft Corp and Samsung Electronics Co.
For example, in 2012, Charlie Miller led a team that demonstrated techniques for taking over smartphones running Google's Android software through their use of near-field communications, or NFC, a wireless technology used for sharing data or making purchases at point-of-sales terminals.
Bugs are often disclosed by "white hats," hackers who unearth flaws and report them so manufacturers can repair them, preventing criminal exploitation. The hope is the good guys find them before "black hats" uncover them.
FlowArrange levels 6 X 6 iPhone iPad Puzzle game White hats have found multiple security issues with iPhones, iPads and in the App store since Apple launched its first smartphone in 2007. They say that scrutiny has helped make it one of the most secure devices on the market today.
Apple executives said at last week's iPhone launch that the new fingerprint reader, dubbed Touch ID, will help make phones far more secure by dint of its ease of use.
About half of all smartphone users don't bother to use current screen-locking technology because of the inconvenience of keying in multiple-digit passwords. Apple is betting users may be far more willing to avail themselves of a solution that requires a single finger-swipe.
"The technology within Touch ID is some of the most advanced hardware and software we put in any device," Dan Riccio, senior vice president of hardware engineering, said at the event.
Kennedy said he needs to examine the new iPhone to figure out how to best attempt an attack.Flow Arrange free puzzle game
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He said his choices include hacking the software that analyzes the fingerprint data, or physically opening up the phone and connecting it to a custom-built device that would impersonate Apple's fingerprint reader.
He added that it might be possible to lift a user's fingerprint from elsewhere on the device and somehow make a clone of it.
Rich Mogul, an analyst with the security research firm Securosis, said he planned to use it and expects it to be widely adopted despite the fact that hackers are circling.
"Nobody has gotten their hands on it to see what the weaknesses are and how easy it is to crack," Mogul said.
"We'll have to wait to see.
